• Land South Of Barons Cross Road (A44)


Guide Price 

Land South Of Barons Cross Road (A44)

Land South Of Barons Cross Road (A44), And Crossing Ivington Road, Leominster, Herefordshire


CODE: 5177


John Amos


01568 610007
John Amos


The Vendors have commissioned an Expert Planning Statement by Tompkins Thomas Planning Consultancy, summarizing the relevant policies. The prospective development of the site is a discrete component of the wider 1,500 dwelling Strategic Urban Expansion "SUE" at Leominster, the largest of Herefordshire's market towns. Subject to the issues mentioned in the Statement the principle of residential development of the land is enshrined in both tiers of the Local Development Plan Framework.

The Statement concludes that, subject to the scheme demonstrating that it is representative of sustainable development, it can fulfil the fundamental principles of the policies intended to guide delivery of the SUE. The conclusion is that there should be no impairment to promoting a residential led development on the land in the immediate term.
