• Trumans Farm
  • Trumans Farm
  • Trumans Farm
  • Trumans Farm


Guide Price 

Trumans Farm

Trumans Farm, Gotherington, Manor Lane, Gotherington, Cheltenham, South West, GL52


CODE: 5743


Harry Breakwell


01452 880161
Harry Breakwell



The site itself extends to approximately 10.63 acres (4.3 hectares) and comprises two fields of pastureland. The site gently slopes from south to north on a gradient that is comparatively less than the steeper, more dramatic hillside in the AONB to the south-east.The site is bordered to the north by Gretton Road, to the east by additional agricultural land associated with Truman's Farm and to the south east by the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway (historic railway line) which runs along an embankment.

The application that has recently been approved is detailed below:

22/00650/FUL - Residential development comprising 45 dwellings, creation of new access, public open space and other associated ancillary works. Granted at Appeal on the 11th of September 2023, Appeal Ref: APP/G1630/W/23/3314936.

The proposed scheme allows for 45 dwellings of which 18 will be affordable housing units and 27 private units, as illustrated on the landscape masterplan. The new development integrates with the current settlement edge to create a coherent form with a strong green infrastructure setting in response to its edge of countryside location and setting to the AONB. The large area of green infrastructure that forms the eastern half of the site comprises features such as new hedgerows, attenuation pond, wildflower meadow, paths through the meadows and apple/pear orchard. The proposal will deliver a Biodiversity Net Gain that exceeds 10%.

The site is offered for sale by way of Informal Tender. Unconditional offers are invited. Bids should be in accordance with the 'Financial Proposal Form' contained within the Data Room and are to be submitted prior to Noon on Friday 8th December 2023 and received by Harry Breakwell: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
